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Librarian Resume

Maryly Snow

Distinguished Emerita Librarian
College of Environmental Design
University of California, Berkeley

Library Work Experience:

Head of the Architecture Visual Resources Library.
Supervise digital, film, and print image production, collection development, cataloging, indexing, retrospective conversion, archiving of visual instructional materials; maintenance and preservation of collection materials; promote suitable access to the collection; create and maintain policies supporting access to the collections for the University community and off-campus users; establish policies and procedures and new directions; in conjunction with Museum Informatics Project of Information Systems and Technology, create, maintain, and enhance SPIRO, the online image catalog to the collection, including metadata analysis, database structure, online authority work, description policies, retrieval and use protocols; manage collection within budget restrictions. Hire, train, and supervise staff of 3.5 FTE, including library assistant, photographer, student assistants. 1976 until retirement December 2006.

Lecturer, School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Special Topics in Reference: the Bibliography of the Humanities, 1978.

Lecturer, School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Coordinator, Bibliography I undergraduate teaching program (how to engage in library research). Active in the state and nationally in classroom bibliographic instruction. 1974-1976.

Document delivery, Information Unlimited. Part-time. 1974-1976.


Berkeley Library
University of CA
February 11, 2019

Berkeley Library
University of CA
February 11, 2019

Maryly Snow

Distinguished Emerita Librarian
College of Environmental Design
University of California, Berkeley

Library Work Experience:

Head of the Architecture Visual Resources Library.
Supervise digital, film, and print image production, collection development, cataloging, indexing, retrospective conversion, archiving of visual instructional materials; maintenance and preservation of collection materials; promote suitable access to the collection; create and maintain policies supporting access to the collections for the University community and off-campus users; establish policies and procedures and new directions; in conjunction with Museum Informatics Project of Information Systems and Technology, create, maintain, and enhance SPIRO, the online image catalog to the collection, including metadata analysis, database structure, online authority work, description policies, retrieval and use protocols; manage collection within budget restrictions. Hire, train, and supervise staff of 3.5 FTE, including library assistant, photographer, student assistants. 1976 until retirement December 2006.

Lecturer, School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Special Topics in Reference: the Bibliography of the Humanities, 1978.

Lecturer, School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Coordinator, Bibliography I undergraduate teaching program (how to engage in library research). Active in the state and nationally in classroom bibliographic instruction. 1974-1976.

Document delivery, Information Unlimited. Part-time. 1974-1976.

Assistant Librarian, Map Room, University of California, Berkeley. Temporary replacement for Librarian Sheila Dowd for one year. Active in Western Association of Map Libraries. 1974-1975.

Center Librarian (Library Assistant), Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California, Berkeley. Responsible for all aspects of managing this small library on a part-time basis. 1973-1975.

Library Assistant, Institute for Library Research, University of California, Berkeley. Worked on California Union List of Periodicals, precursor to Melvyl. 1972-1974.

Library Assistant, Reference and Interlibrary Loan Departments, McHenry Library, University of California, Santa Cruz. General reference work, bibliography preparation, collection evaluation, bibliographic verification. 1970-1972.


Illustrating Architecture at UC Berkeley, 1903-2003, Design on the Edge: A century of teaching architecture at the University of California, Berkeley 1903-2003, Berkeley, CA: College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley, 2009.

Learning from Lantern Slides, 1979-2004: A Twenty-Five Year Reminiscence, Visual Resources Association Bulletin 31:1, Fall 2004, pp. 45-50. Paper presented at Session I, Viewing Our Past, Making It Present: Lantern Slides and Visual Resources Collections.

Illustrating Architecture at UC Berkeley, 1905-2005, in Chronicle of the University of California: A Journal of University History, No. 6, Spring 2004, pp. 89-99. Issue on Arts and Culture, edited by the Editorial Board, Carroll Brentano, editor.

National Architecture Accreditation Board Self-Study: Architecture Visual Resources Library, University of California, Berkeley, 2003, in The Library and the Accreditation Process in Design Disciplines: Best Practices (Occasional Paper #14) Kanata, Ontario: Art Libraries Society of North America, 2003, pp. 225-231.

Visual Copy Collections in American Institutions, Art Documentation 21:2, Fall, 2002, pp. 4-7.

SPIRO, the Visual OPAC of Berkeley’s Architecture Visual Resources Library, in Design Net: Knowledge e Information Management per il Design by Paolo Ciuccarelli and Perla Innocenti. Milan: Edizioni, 2002, pp. 87-96.

Automatic, Required, and Optional Subject Indexing of Architectural Images, Visual Resources Association Bulletin 24:4, Winter, 2000.

Toni Petersen: 1999 ARLIS/NA Distinguished Service Award, in Art Documentation 18:2, pp. 28-29.

Millennial Musings on Image Databases: Prerequisites for Planning and Evaluation, Art Documentation 17:2, Fall, 1998, pp. 17-23.

Digital Images and Fair Use Web Sites, VRA Bulletin 24:4, Winter, 1997, pp. 40-43. Also available at the University of Texas Office of General Counsel’s web site.

A review of Slide Collection Management and Information Units by Glyn Sutcliffe, co-authored with Elizabeth O’Donnell, in Visual Resources 13, 1997, pp. 199-203.

A Report on ‘A License to Kill? Fair Use and Intellectual Property in an Age of Licensing’, in VRA Bulletin 24:3, Fall, 1997, pp. 8-10. Also available as a digital report at

A review of Copyright and the NII: Resources for the Library and Education Community, edited by Patricia Brennan, in Visual Resources 13:1, 1997, pp. 99-107.

A review of Copyright, Public Policy, and the Scholarly Community, edited by Michael Matthews and Patricia Brennan, in Visual Resources 12: 3-4, 1996 (double issue entitled, Copyright and Fair Use: the Great Image Debate).

Pedagogical Consequences of Photomechanical Reproduction in the Visual Histories: From Copy Photography to Digital Mnemonics, in Visual Resources 12: 3-4, 1996 (double issue entitled, Copyright, Fair Use and the Great Image Debate).

Fair Use and Licensing Agreements: Digital Permissions in the Slide Library in V RA Bulletin 23: 2, Summer, 1996, pp. 73-74.

A review of Slide Collection Management in Libraries and Information Units, by Glyn Sutcliffe, in LRTS (Library Resources and Technical Services) 40, January, 1996, pp. 93-96.

A review of Copyright, Fair Use, and the Challenge for Universities: Promoting the Progress of Higher Education by Kenneth Crews, in Visual Resources XI, 1995, pp.187-192.

Concordance to Ancient Site Names, co-edited with Eileen Fry, Topical Paper No. 2, Raleigh, NC: Art Libraries Society of North America, 1995.

A review of The Art & Architecture Thesaurus: The Authority Reference Tool and Supplement 1, in Visual Resources IX: 4, 1994, pp. 401-408.

SPIRO and ImageQuery at the University of California at Berkeley, in Computers and the History of Art 4:2, 1994, pp. 43-53.

SPIRO, A Visual Online Public Access Catalog, in EVA ’94, Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Wednesday, July 27, 1994 Conference Proceedings, pp. 95-105.

A review of The Art and Architecture Thesaurus, co-authored with Elizabeth Byrne, in Design Book Review Computers ‘R’ Us Special Issue, 26, Winter, 1993, pp. 43-45.

Database Design Issues for a Non-MARC Visual Online Public Access Catalog, in Information Technology, It’s For Everyone!: Proceedings of the LITA Third National Conference, Library and Information Technology Association, Denver, September 13-16, 1992, edited by Thomas W. Leonhardt. Chicago, American Library Association, 1992, pp. 182-190.

AAT Browser at the University of California, Berkeley, in AAT Bulletin 19, June 1991, pp.10-14. Also reprinted in The AAT Sourcebook, Occasional Paper No. 10, edited by Toni Petersen. Raleigh, NC: Art Libraries Society of North America, 1996.

Access to Diverse Collections in University Settings: The Berkeley Dilemma, co-authored with Howard Besser, in Beyond the Book: Extending MARC for Subject Access, edited by Toni Petersen and Pat Molholt. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990, pp. 203-224.

Visual Depictions and the Use of MARC: A View from the Trenches of Slide Librarianship, in Art Documentation 8: 4, Winter, 1989, pp. 186-190. Paper reprinted in Beyond the Book, 1990, pp. 225-235, above.

Career Profile in Alter Ego, Bulletin, the Newsletter of the Special Libraries Association, San Francisco, Bay Region 57:1, 1986.

Photographs For Student Study, in International Bulletin for Photographic Documentation of the Visual Arts 9:3, 1982.

MediaMaze: A Guide to Audiovisual Media, UC Berkeley, Fall, 1982. Co-author.

Bibliography I Handbook, 1976 edition, University of California, Berkeley. Joint editor and author.


Finding and Using Digital Images Workshop. Graduate Student Instructor Resource & Teaching Center (Oct 10, 2005), College of Environmental Design (Nov. 9, 2005, Nov. 16, 2005). Developed associated web pages to support the workshop.

Aggregated Image Collections, Art Libraries Society of North America, Banff, May 2006.

Case Studies in Digitizing: Image Databases, Course Reserves, and Finding Aids.
Visual Resources Association, Miami Beach, 2005. Session moderator. Introduced speakers Ed Loera, Vickie O’Riordan, Kristan Solias.

Case Studies in Digitizing: Image Databases, Course Reserves, and Finding Aids.
Art Libraries Society of North America, Houston, 2005. Session moderator. Introduced speakers Heather Cleary, Leslie Abrams, Ed Loera.

Learning from Lantern Slides, 1979-2004: A Twenty-Five Year Reminiscence. Paper presented at Session I, Viewing Our Past, Making It Present: Lantern Slides and Visual Resources Collections. Session co-organized with Jenni Rodda, moderator. Visual Resources Association, Portland, Oregon, 2004.

Organizer and Moderator, Intellectual Property: Things You Should Know, conference session, Visual Resources Association 21st annual conference, Houston, Texas, 2003.

Organizer and Presenter, Property and Capital in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Visual Collections: Tales in Search of the History of the Visual Copy, joint conference session, Art Libraries Society of North America and Visual Resources Association annual conference, St. Louis, Mo. March 2002, introductions by Maureen Burns, UCI.

Presenter, Me, Myself, and I: Management Strategies for the Solo Professional, joint conference seminar, Art Libraries Society of North America and Visual Resources Association annual conference, St. Louis, Mo. March 2002. Eumie Imm-Stroukoff and Paul Glassman, Organizers and Moderators.

SPIRO, the Visual OPAC of Berkeley’s Architecture Visual Resources Library, a video created in AVRL (script by Maryly Snow, video by Joe Gouig) for presentation at Politechnico di Milano, Feb. 8, 2002.

Presenter, Mechanics of Moving VR Facilities, Visual Resources Association seminar, Chicago, March 2001, Megan Battey, Organizer and Moderator.

Respondent, The Construct of Indexing: Thought Processes in Subject Analysis, Session #7, Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA), Pittsburgh, PA, 2000. Moderator Ann Whiteside, Francis Loeb Library, Harvard Graduate School of Design, and I developed this session.

Automatic, Required, and Optional Subject Indexing of Architectural Images, Session #5 on Subject Indexing: Procedures and Processes, Visual Resources Association, San Francisco, CA, 2000. Moderator Ann Whiteside and I developed this session.

Presented ARLIS/NA’s highest award, the Distinguished Service Award, to Toni Petersen, founder of the Art and Architecture Thesaurus, Vancouver, Canada, 1999.

Introduction to UC Visual Resources Collections, Copyright and Fair Use Web Sites, VISION, SPIRO, and SlideCat, UC Intercampus Digital Standards Meeting, UCLA, May 1998.

Pedagogical Consequences of Photomechanical Reproduction in the Visual Histories and a discussion of intellectual property, presented for the Townsend Fellows, Townsend Center for the Humanities, January 1998.

Panelist, Learners’ Permits, Licenses and the Electronic Superhighway, Session #3, Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA), Philadelphia, PA, 1997. Paper presented entitled Learners’ Permits for Image Databases, moderated by Betsy Peck Learned, Roger Williams University.

Fair Use Web Sites, paper presented at the CAA/ACLS/NINCH Portland Town Hall Meeting (Copyright Law in the Digital World: Fair Use, Education and Libraries after CONFU), Portland, OR, September 1997.

Panelist for Intellectual Property in the Electronic Age, an Ask Arlis Session, Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA), Miami Beach, FL, 1996.

Site Licensing and Digital Permissions in the Slide Library, for the Session Visual Surrogate as Intellectual Property: Is Fair Use on the Verge of Extinction?, College Art Association and Visual Resources Association joint session, Boston, MA, 1996.

Image Databases for Design Firms, California Women in Environmental Design, Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. March 1994. Moderated by Trudy Levy, Digital Information Network.

SPIRO’s Impact on Internal Procedures, for the Session Implementing New Technologies, Visual Resources Association (VRA), New York City, Feb. 1994.

Indexing for a Visual Online Public Access Catalog, American Society of Indexers Golden Gate Chapter Tenth Annual Mid-Winter Conference, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 1993.

Image Databases: Image Managers versus Image Catalogs, Art Libraries Society of North America, (ARLIS/NA) Feb. 1993.

Use of the Concordance to Ancient Site Names, subject analysis post-conference workshop, ARLIS/NA, San Francisco, CA, 1993.

A Visual Online Public Access Catalog, American Library Association, ACRL Arts and Technology and LITA Programming Committee, San Francisco, CA, June 1992.

Using the AAT: Practical Considerations, ARLIS/NA, pre-conference workshop, 1992.

Issues in Shared Cataloging, Visual Resources Association, 1991.

Visual Depictions and the Use of Marc, for Art Libraries Society annual conference, 1989.

Building an Image Database on the UC Berkeley Network, for Visual Technology session, ARLIS/NA conference, Dallas, Texas, 1988.

Effective Budget Preparation for Slide and Photography Collections, for ARLIS Western Regional Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, 1988.

ImageQuery: Towards A Distributed Visual Database at the University of California, Visual Resources Association, Boston, MA, 1987.

Use of the ARLIS/NA Standards for Staffing in Slide Libraries, for Art Libraries Society annual conference, New York, 1986.

How Can a Woman Artist Keep Her Name Alive?, Women in Art Documentation Group, Women’s Caucus for the Arts and ARLIS/NA, Los Angeles, CA, 1985.

Live/Work: A San Francisco Case Study, College of Environmental Design Lecture Series, Berkeley, CA, 1985.

An Analysis of Production Systems in Slide Libraries, for Visual Resources Association, Philadelphia, 1983.

New Directions: Architectural Information, Education, Publishing, and imagery, Panel Convener, ARLIS/NA, San Francisco, CA 1981.

Donated Collections in Visual Resources, Mid-American College Art Association, Houston, Tx, 1980.

Library Instruction for Undergraduates, for Library Instruction workshop, Cal State Long Beach, CA 1976.

The Library as a Teaching Laboratory, for California Clearinghouse on Library Instruction, Indian River College, CA, 1975.

Professional Association Activities (Selected):

ARLIS/NA Gerd Muesham Award Committee Member 2005-2007.

Co-Moderator, Visual Resources Division of Art Libraries Society of North America, 2004-2006. First year take minutes, second year serve as incoming moderator, third year serve as moderator. Run the annual meeting of the division, report to the Executive Board. Be responsible for visual resources content at ARLIS/NA conferences. Follow through with ongoing projects of the division. Corey Schultz, Jenni Rodda, Maryly Snow 2004. Jenni Rodda, Maryly Snow, Sarah Goldstein, 2005. Maryly Snow, Sarah Goldstein, Spruill Harding. 2006.

Co-founder with Jenni Rodda (NYIFA) of the North American Lantern Slide Survey (NALSS). Jointly sponsored by Art Libraries Society of North American (ARLIS/NA) and Visual Resources Association (VRA). Survey results.

Chair, VRA Intellectual Property Rights Committee, 2001-2004. Organized annual conference sessions: 2003 workshop, Creating Intellectual Policy Guidelines for Visual Resources Collections, led by Georgia Harper, University of Texas Austin legal counsel. 2003 session: Intellectual Property: Things You Should Know. Appointed committee members. Worked with VRA Bulletin committee column editor Marlene Gordon to coordinate membership communication.

Committee member, VRA Intellectual Property Rights Committee, 1995-2005. Worked on DIRC (Digital Image Rights Computator), under leadership of Allan Kohl (Art Images for College Teaching) Organized NINCH (National Initiative for Networked Cultural Heritage) Town Meeting on Copyright and Public Domain, April 4, 2000 in San Francisco. Martha Winnacker, UC Office of the President- Academic Initiatives, moderated. Participated in development of VRA’s Image Collection Guidelines, published 1999. Wrote reviews of ACRL copyright papers. Contributed to position papers on CONFU, Digital Millennium Copyright Act, hearings on distance education.

VISION participant, one of thirty-two cataloging records for the Research Libraries Group test bed of the VRA Core, the first attempt to test shared cataloging and image data standards, 1998.

ARLIS/NA Awards Committee, 1997-98.

ARLIS/NA Visual Resources Advisory Committee member, 1997-1998. Responsible for preservation of Sandak Arts of the United States (4,000 images, 1957+) and the International Masonry Institute’s Brickwork in Italy (500 images, 1978).

ARLIS/NA Secretary and member of the Executive Board, 1995-97. Attend Executive Board meetings, record, correct minutes and motions; develop procedures for electronic correction and distribution of minutes, motions, action lists; maintain Society Policy Manual. Serve as liaison to Public Policy, Art and Architecture Thesaurus, and Technology Relations Committees.

ARLIS/NA Visual Resources Issues Task Force member. 1996. Examining the relationship between visual resources librarians and art and architecture (book) librarians and professional issues.

ARLIS/NA representative to CNI/OCLC Image Metadata Workshop. Dublin, Ohio. 1996.

ARLIS/NA liaison to the Visual Resources Association (VRA) Data Standards Committee, 1995-96.

ARLIS/NA and Visual Resources Association (VRA) representative to Coalition for Networked Information Task Force Meeting, 1996.

VRA Intellectual Property Rights Committee 1995-2003. Chair since 2002. Analysis of White Paper, pending legislation, and ongoing CONFU debates.

VRA Data Standards Committee, 1993-95. Actively participated in discussions involving minimum and core data elements for architecture. Represented VRA Data Standards Committee at the CIMI (Coalition for Interchange of Museum Information) meeting in California, 1995.

Host, VRA Northern California chapter meetings, 2003, 1996.

ARLIS/NA representative to Coalition for Networked Information Task Force Meeting, 1994.

VRA Marc Format Committee, 1989-1993. Worked on the MARC Mapping Project, published by James Bower in Visual Resources. This committee developed in the VRA Data Standards Committee above.

ARLIS Art and Architecture Advisory Committee, 1989-1992. Served as chair two years, committee member for one. Assisted in national training workshops, beta-tested software, helped develop application guidelines for visual resources collections cataloging with controlled vocabularies.

National Endowment for the Humanities grants reviewer, 1992-1996.

Research Libraries Group Art and Architecture Program Committee, AAT representative, 1989-1991.

ARLIS Visual Resources Division Task Force on Authorities, 1986-1990. Concordance to Ancient Site Names was the eventual result of this committee.

University Service (Selected):

Co-chair, UC Image Service Rollout and Advisory Committee, convened by Heads of Public Services(HOPS) of SOPAG, Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Committee of 2005. Hour long conference calls twice monthly. Follow-up on issues.

Member, LAUC Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction (COCRJ), 2003-2005. Paul Weiss, UCSD, Chair. Weekly 1.5-2 hour conference calls on the LAUC bylaws. Searched the LAUC Archives in Bancroft Library to answer questions raised by the committee.

Chair, Chair-elect, Affiliated Libraries Affairs Committee, Librarians’ Association University of California, Berkeley 2001-2003. Updated web page. Organized Fall and Spring meetings of the Affiliated Librarians with outside speakers Elaine Tennant, Chair of the UCB Academic Senate Library Committee and Beth Burnside, UCB Vice-Chancellor of Research. Selected Ron Heckart and Lily Castillo-Speed to summarize the Affiliated Libraries summaries of issues in a presentation to the Academic Senate Library Committee. Represented LAUC-B at LAUC Statewide Fall and Spring Assemblies 2002-2003. Chaired the LAUC-B Bylaws Revision Committee, 2002, with Terry Dean and Marlene Harmon assisting.

Luna Insight User Group participant, representing UC. Chicago 2005. Stanford 2003.

American Federation of Teachers Unit 17 Librarians bargaining team, 2005, 1994.

LAUC (Librarians’ Association of the University of California) Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction, 2003-2005. Member.

TALAG, The Affiliated Libraries Administrative Group 2004-2005.

LAUC-B (Librarians’ Association of the University of California Berkeley) Affiliated Library Affairs Committee: Chair 2002-2003; Vice-Chair 2001-2002; 1993-1994 Committee member.

LAUC-B Mentor Program: mentor 2002-2004; 1991-1993.

LAUC-B Bylaws Revision Committee, 2002. Convenor.

SOPAG Privacy Task Force 2001. Karen Coyle, Chair.

Host, UC Sliders, May 2001, 1998, 1994.

LAUC-B email reflector organizer, 1993-1996. Now handled by UCB Library Systems.

College of Environmental Design Dean Search Committee 1995-1996.

UC Sliders, 1994 to the present. Group of UC slide librarians and visual resources curators who meet 2-3 times a year to network. We meet periodically with the UC/Stanford arts librarians.

LAUC-B Distinguished Librarian Committee, 1993-1994, 1991-1992.

Art History Department Slide Library Review Committee, 1991.

Museum Software Evaluation Committee (Barbara Morgan, chair) 1989.

Berkeley Image Database Project, 1985-1989.

LAUC Committee on Research and Professional Development, 1985.

LAUC -B Committee on Research and Professional Development. Chair and committee member, 1982-1984.

Academic Senate Committee on Teaching Audio Visual Group, 1984.

LAUC -B non-General Library Affairs Committee (renamed Affiliated), 1982.

LAUC -B Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Rotation, 1981.

Campus Media Coordinating Committee 1979-1981.

Grants and Fundraising:

LAUC Grant, A Hundred Years of Architectural History: A Comparative View. (John Galen Howard 1905-1928 & Spiro Kostof 1965-1991 architectural history survey courses compared). Submitted 2005. Funded 2006. In progress 2006. Assumed by Waverly Lowell, Archivist. College of Environmental Design

Lifchez Architecture Project 2000-to the present. Funding from Ray Lifchez. In Process.

Stump World Architecture Project 2003-2005. Funding from the Harold Stump Foundation.

Mellon Faculty Grants: Assisting faculty recipients:
Shanken & Snow Innovation Grant (funded 2006)
Andrew Shanken, American Architecture, 2005
Mark Healey, Latin American History, 2004
Elizabeth Honig, English Renaissance Art History, 2003

UC Berkeley Office of Educational Development:
Digitizing Japan, Dana Buntrock, 2004-2005.
Collection Development for the Esherick Gift, 1996
Electronic Student Review, Home Pages for Architecture 170B, 1996.
Slide Lecturing System, 1989

University of Virginia Resources Sharing Project, 2001-2002.

Center for Middle Eastern Studies Project, 2000-2002.

SMETE/NEEDS. Alice Agogino, PI. Brandon Miramatsu, director. 2000-2001.

TltC Mini-grant. Teaching Learning Technology Center. 2001.

Esherick Travel Slides Project, 2002-2005.

UC Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA), with matching funds from Dean’s Office, College of Environmental Design, 2001. Added 1,500 images and records to LUCI, Library of UC Images, a UC union catalog of images.

Townsend Center For the Humanities, Library Fellow, 1997-98, UC Berkeley.

Librarians’ Association of the University of California (LAUC). History of the Visual Copy with Implications for the Great Image Copyright Debate, 1997-98.

IAPIF, Intercampus Academic Program Incentive Fund, Office of the President, University of California, for a multi-campus instructional image data bank, 1997-1998.

Librarians Assembly University of California, Berkeley (LAUC-B) Research Grant, 1988. Funded literature searches and document delivery for papers published in Beyond the Book, see Publications above for citations.


Distinguished Service Award, Visual Resources Association, 2007.

Nancy De Laurier Writing Award, Visual Resources Association, 2001.


Denver Public Library Western History Imaging Advisory Committee, 1993, 1997.

Harold Stump Architectural Foundation, 1995-2003.

Digital Arts and Sciences Corporation, Arts Advisory Board, 1994-1995.

New Jersey Institute of Technology Slide Library Advisor, 1994.

Oakland Museum History Department Advisor, 1994.

Cal State University Long Beach, University Library, Library instruction, 1976.

Professional Affiliations:

Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) 1976 to the present.

Visual Resources Association (VRA) 1980 to the present.

Museum Computer Network 1990-1993.

California Society of Printmakers, 1990 to the present.

California Clearinghouse on Library Instruction 1976-1979.

Women Library Workers, 1976-1978.

Western Association of Map Libraries, 1973-1974.


Masters in Library and Information Studies, with emphasis in Art and Architecture, University of California, Berkeley, 1973.

Bachelor of Art in Social Welfare (Sociology and Psychology) University of California, Berkeley, 1966. Dean’s List.

Baccalaureat, Anna Head School, Berkeley, 1962.

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